CASA 2100
CASA 2100 predicts changes in annual agricultural production, including high‐quality crop yields, under various scenarios of global warming projected through the year 2100.

CASA 2100 determines whether today’s agricultural areas will remain suitable for growth of high yielding crops or will no longer maintain present production levels under scenarios of global warming. Predictions are based on estimation of actual plant production and water requirements from the peer-reviewed CASA simulation model.

How Will Climate Change Affect Your Farm Land?
Drought and Warming Scenarios
Satellite Yield Index (SYI)
Satellite observations can uniquely capture the daily and seasonal dynamics of crop plants across a vast growing region. Optimized crop cover indices can be developed, whereby the vegetation reflectance properties in multiple spectral bands can be combined to track crop cover and plant production throughout the year.
To support planning for sustainability, the linkages of crop yield from the SYI and field-level management practices to soilgreenhouse gases, carbon offsets,nutrient uptake, leaching, and runoff, and regional water qualityimprovements are already feasible.
For more information, 
email: or 
call: 408-838-451
CASA Systems 2100, LLC 
CASA 2100 © April 2010

Is Climate Change Really My Problem?
Yes, most likely it is. Science tells us that climate change is affecting certain areas of the globe much more than others at the moment, but will eventually alter the way agriculture is managed everywhere in the world. Even if your growing regions are not being impacted today by warmer temperatures and higher water demands, chances are that the next generation of  managers will find themselves facing more extremes.

We Can Help.
Our mission is to aid organizations such as yours to now gain access to the latest advances in computer modeling technology and historical data analysis to deliver a detailed regional picture of cropland suitability and future changes in yields, from field to region.